Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Clue Train Manifesto comments..

I thought the clutrain manifesto is a very thoughout and intelligent reading. Some of these statements have made me think more of why things are the way they are. Why do companies build a seemingly insurmountable wall between ring leader and employee? If all parts of a company would share knowledge then things would be more about people. This reminds me of where my Aunt used to work, she was a consultant at this company who made huge promises but did not seem to follow through. They spend millions on advertising and made it seem like they were helping the community, but how is this effective when the community around your company is in near ruins and don't lift a finger to revitalize it. One of my favorite lines from the clue train manifesto is: #3 Conversations among human beings sound human. They are conducted in a human voice.

Companies want to appeal to the working man and appeal to the public. If this had any traces of truth then employees fromt he company would going out intot he commmunity and appearing on commercials instead of the CEO trying too sell propaganda garbage.
#13 What's happening to markets is also happening among employees. A metaphysical construct called "The Company" is the only thing standing between the two.
The company seems like an intimidating force. Isolationg is prominent among companies. The different departments like human resources, compliance and the "top brass" should communicate collectively. Sharing knowledge could be key to the success and appeal of the company. My suggestion would be that people need to stop being stuck in their ways so progress could be possible. A company divided will not get far.


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