Monday, November 24, 2008

clue train manifesto

"There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone".
*This reminded me of our discussion earlier in the year about data mining. Companies know more information about your digital self then you do which is a rather creepy phenomena as we talked about at length during class. Google knows every search you have ever done and can trace it back to your individual computer. Facebook "knows" what your interests are , there are advertisements that are specific to what you like and yes it is kind of nice that I get inundated with ads for Gossip Girl and The Hills it's still slightly weird for me, networked markets really are the ones with the eyes and we are all blind to it until we are trapped in it.

"We are immune to advertising"
*This 'clue train manifesto' applies to the one above in that advertising in many regards define American culture-physically and on the internet (my example of the facebook advertisements) we just internalize what we see and don't question it.


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