Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Gamer Theory

Thinking back to the last class discussion there was the debate about the gamer being "in" the game, or controlling its fate. The last video games I really played were GoldenEye and Zelda and those had unwaivering end goals. You needed to beat all the levels to win the game. You could lose but after enough losing you would have had enough practice on the certain level to cheat a little. Eventually you knew where the guards would be in the facility bathroom stalls and how to actually win on that stupid satellite at the end. Obviously you progress as a gamer and are still in your time frame but the character just starts back at the new level, none the wiser.

From what other people are saying about the new games is a different sense of user control that makes everyone feel like they may actually be James Bond. Sure this makes it a little more fun but is there a game with a blank slate that lets you be Bond and make your own path? There really cannot be one without some sort of aids, cheats, hints, path, etc.

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