Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Gamer Theory

When we first started reading this book, I was pretty excited because gaming has always been an interest and hobby of mine. I've always enjoyed playing video games and interacting with other people through them. The first couple chapters of the book were confusing, but at the same time interesting because of the way it compares a topic to a specific game. I thought I would be able to get a grasp on the writing style, but I was wrong because I am just as confused as ever, and I have never heard of the games being discussed. One of the most frustrating aspects of this book are the ridiculously cryptic charts the author includes in the reading. In any other book there is a small caption or description, or at the very least labeled axes, to try to help the reader get a further understanding of what is being discussed. This couldn't be farther from the truth in this book. The attempts at the description of the chart that we discussed in the last class just made me doubt even further that the author even knew what he was trying to present. I really hope the book becomes easier to read and understand.


1 comment:

Becky, Sam, Merel, James, Adrienne, Asa said...


I was pretty excited to read the book because I enjoy video games as well. I think the concepts involved with gaming is very interesting and I thought learning about it would be pretty cool. However, like you said, the concepts and writing style were difficult to understand.

The charts are ridiculous. I wish the author stopped playing games (ha) and told us what he meant. I agree a small caption or description would be very helpful.

I think there are a lot more kids in class are having trouble as well. I never would have thought this book would cause a lot of controversy in class. I guess this what makes this class so interesting and fun. Something new and different.
