Sunday, November 9, 2008

media, technology & the election

Saying that media and technology didn't play an integral role in the 2008 presidential election would be wrong. This election has been the focus of media attention for the better part of the past two years, constant, and unwavering. Media has revolutionized the way we related and internalize media. Obama & campaign staff absolutely utilized technology and media and used it to their advantage. The constant flow of emails, the advertisements on popular sights (facebook), online groups where people had an outlet to discuss politics were essential, if not central to his victory.

This election, as well as many others I know, my first election. The excitement and sense of power I personally felt when I sent in my absentee ballot was (I thought) felt by those around me. However, after talking to a friend of mine, who said my vote didn't matter in the long run so what is the point of any of us voting, I reconsidered my stance on this. How many people really did in fact care? I had been exposed to so much media, online, tv, etc how could anyone NOT care or feel good about participating? Is voting like you said Professor Dean a false idea of participation, we do it because we think it is our civic duty, not because we care, or want to see a change in the world?

The constant hounding of media attention on this election, seeing the blogs dedicated to political discussion, exposure to twitter and other sites similar to it made me realize people did care, people wanted a change even if the people around me were apathetic. The media was a way for people who did have an opinion, even if they were conflicting, to express their opinions.

An interesting comment that was made in class that cast a negative light on media and the election, was; shouldn't the media have focused on some other things in the past two years besides the election? Though it was a historic election, we were also in the middle of a global financial crisis, shouldn't that have gotten more than a week of media buzz?


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