Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Free Speech

There is something to be said about the freedom of speech and how it has evolved over the years. In the beginning it could have been religous or against the British, in the 60s it was picketing and rallies, and now it has made its way to juicy campus. I have no idea what this means; it's obviously just one slice of what makes us up as a generation, but I'm leaning strongly towards seeing it as a waste of time. Someone in class said that like 80% of things we do over the course of the day are useless and mindless, juicy campus, facebook, etc. fill that criteria pretty well. What does this really mean though?

Are we spending time we should be studying, learning, or reading the newspaper on stupid things like slanderous websites? Should we be outside until dark playing football at a friend's house like when we were kids? Has the fact that we aren't doing these things made our future worse? Would you rather play fantasy baseball, or pick-up baseball? Will you join groups 'pledging' to vote, yet will not make it out to the polls today? I think this Millennial generation or whatever they want to call us has to do some self evaluation...


1 comment:

J said...

smart--and so was your comment in class; I like the way this blog has several posts about the issue; it does a good job showing the debate