Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Comments- Game Theory

I liked the discussion about analog and digital. Anytime I think about analog and digital I think about the connection between the past and present. As much as people prefer digital, we must remember that the present isn't possible without the past. Games like Vice City are popular because of their unlawful characteristics. As I said in our discussion last week, it is actions like stealing cars, robbing people and running over people which give us thrills and motivation to play a game of this caliber. Also, I know for me personally, sometimes I playing older games because of the simplicity, though it does not compare to the life like games that are being created today.

1 comment:

Becky, Sam, Merel, James, Adrienne, Asa said...

I liked the analog and digital discussion as well. I was thinking along the same lines about past and present and how it is important to now underestimate the importance of the past and how it affects he present. The transformation of gaming has evolved dramatically. Like you said, playing older games is appealing (to me as well) because of the simplicity. There is not 500 different things you can do. You cannot do that in game developed in past years. Like many things it seems, change from the past has a significant influence on the present.
