Monday, September 15, 2008

iSpy sheds light

I think it is important for American’s to read Andrejevic’s iSpy. It provides information directly impacting internet users that has surprisingly gone unnoticed. Users would be interested to know how companies view the internet: as a data-gathering tool. Further, it would be beneficial for them to understand the potential advertising techniques such as the San Francisco contextual-advertising project that Andrejevic discusses. This ingeniously provides free wi-fi to the whole city while making money off of it. Since the wi-fi is free most will never oppose it since they see no reason to stop free wi-fi. Perhaps they would if they truly knew the information they were giving up: their exact locations. This would be a ridiculously invasive system that should be known to all, but isn't. Most users are in the dark about the advertising invasion; iSpy would shed some light on it.

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