Sunday, September 21, 2008

Abe says...

I enjoyed this past class because everyone seemed engaged and participated. I like how we went outside the traditional class format with a teacher just lecturing and just had an all out class discussion. We learn from each other and contribute to each others learning experience this way. I think we should push the teaching day back a week so we can be more prepared. I still need to finish reading the book and the section that's the focus of my teaching.
The first three weeks of this class have been quite an adventure. Blogging has been such a positive experience because since I spend a good amount of my time on the internet, the coursework for this class has come easy to me so far. I'm glad we don't have a syllabus because it gives students a chance to learn from each other and it gives the teacher options and flexibility which I have enjoyed so far.


Tesekkür ederim said...

I definitely agree with you. Such an interactive experience has been extremely positive for me as well. I agree with the flexibility of the syllabus, and I am grateful for the week-by-week approach, and not an overwhelming semester syllabus.

Consistently blogging for me has been rather a challenge. I guess I should think of blogging and checking others blogs as a type of "facebook"which I check quite frequently. Maybe that mentality and thought process would help me make blogging a regular routine, and not so much a chore or simply a homework assignment.


J said...

I'm glad that you guys like the format. Anna, your idea of making it like your facebook experience is a good one. You'll find that you can assimilate the course material somehow more quickly and easily (I think!).

Also, you guys need to do two things:
--make it clear who is on this blog (maybe in the profile section)
--provide a blogroll that includes everyone in the class