Monday, September 29, 2008

Finishing Andrejevic

Finishing iSpy left me with a very new perspective of the world I live in. They way he was able to categorize everything of 'our present world' and put is so straight forward of whats been happening and who has been watching was very mind altering. He is able to restructure the present situation so that you can reexamine your current situation or at least bring awareness to it. The point that was not that clear to me was in the imdia, that prof Dean, covered later in class and really broke it down. The power of the point Andrejevic was trying to prove was some what lost on me until prof explained it. The way that we attach ourselves to things like crappy shows, and the appeal of being an insider keeps you hooked. I think overall Andrejevic was a little to wordy. The chapters could have been a little shorter, sometimes, like in iwar he becomes repetitive. Having finished this book, it has definetly changed my views on interactivity. I had no clue the level of depth that people are being tracked online and that they are selling that information only to target the individuals more. Also, the idea that in ordering online and "customizing" our products we are falling deeper into this digital enclosure. I would say my only complaint is that I don't think it is to much the consumers fault for letting this get to where we are today. I think that really the repsonsibility falls on the government. They have done a fantastic job and keeping this all quiet and spinning it in ways that could possible seem unimaginable. It is more than likely that the government uses the information gathered by companies only fueling the fire the keep this going. But overall I enjoyed the book and it has completely changed my perspective on digital enclosure.

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