Monday, October 6, 2008

The VP Debate and Twittter

I followed the VP debate and texted making comments for Twitter. I had two conclusions from the assignment. I thought it was pretty interesting from the aspect of analyzing this on Tuesday. But, I thought it was a little annoying for personal use. I am very interested to see how many people actually did this and how much they commented. Was it very insightful comments or just to get them done? Will we learn much from each other or pretty much across the board agreements. I am betting there has to be at least a couple of disagrements and hopefully a couple interesting things I missed. I think as a medium Twitter is cool for assingments like this, where we can go back as a class and analyze everything. But, the texting gets annoying. I thought I was pretty good at texting, but to make a handful of comments took time away from trying to watch the debate. I like most people I imagine, have to focus while texting, I am listening to something spefic I sometimes type what I am listening to. It got a little annoying to be frank. I would not like to do something like that at all for personal fun or family or whatever the point is. I feel like twitter is just another medium for getting groups together and sharing, myspace and facebook or blogs. I think there comes a point where we just say no to new mediums. I already have trouble keeping up with the ones we have.

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