Thursday, October 16, 2008

2 week project

I followed the economy and the presidential race. I was in the woods this weekend but I feel more than caught up on the issue. The economy has come to the forefront of the race as it is more than 50% of Americans most important issue facing the next president. The economy nationally and in the world view has almost tanked. We have put in tons of tax payer's money only to hear that they want more money for the banks. The presidential race has leaned towards Obama. More Americans feel that Obama has a better and bigger understanding about the economy compared to McCain. As that is the biggest issue for Americans, Obama has taken an edge that will be hard to loose. People feel more and more confident backing Obama. Going into the home stretch and the economy more than likely staying where it is, Obama seems like he will hold the lead and most likely win the election.
I hope this helps with our project, and we can put it all together.

1 comment:

BG said...

Yes I agree Obama is gaining more of a support base from the people. A good sign for the economic crisis and the future of the country!