Monday, October 27, 2008

Reading Response

One of the main points Professor Dean writes about that I disagree with is the idea that all the increased internet use and connectivity will facilitate democracy. Even though there is probably a decent number of people who use the internet to access their political information, I feel like this wouldn't be the most reliable source. One of the big things that comes to mind on this topic is the whole Sarah Palin situation with Tina Fey. These are by far some of the most popular videos on YouTube, which is definitely impacting the integrity of the election in a negative way. The way she is being made fun of makes everything about her seem like a joke. On top of this, the things SNL says are meshing into what she actually said. I didn't know she didn't say "I can see Russia from my house," until someone told me. So in this sense, I believe that the internet is not going to help facilitate democracy. 



Tesekkür ederim said...

Mike, I agree with your statement that the internet does not facilitate democracy, this was one of my major problems with Professor Dean's article as well. I like your example of SNL and Tina Fey\Sarah Palin. People come away from watching this Youtube clip with a negative impression of this area of the election. Think about how popular these clips have been, media has morphed and seeped into politics in a bias, undemocratic way.


Becky, Sam, Merel, James, Adrienne, Asa said...


The topic of the internet facilitating democracy did not sit well with me either. Similar to you said, I don't believe that some people give a legitimate comment on the internet. Although the internet cyberspace has allowed people to access political content easier, I don't think that all the content is credible. I like your example of SNL. Good way to back up your opinion.


Tesekkür ederim said...

Thanks Sam. That's a good point you said with the fact that all content on the web is not credible. While there are many things on the internet that may help democracy, I feel like there is an equal amount that could hinder it.
