Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Reality a Scarce Resource

I think this a really accurate statement. What is reality when its second hand? Just a recent thought with the economic crisis. What about the majority of Americans who don't understand the fundamentals of the economy. They don't understand the rules and how the details work. How are they supposed to understand what the economic bail out is going to do and how it is going to help them. What is the only way the average American understood the bail out from the TV? Is that a complete reality that accurately reflects the goals of the bail out. What if the TV was bias or just not completely accurate. I think this is an example of how the reality really is scarce. The average person does not get the straight forward explanation of the bail out, and they don't even have a very solid understanding of the economy to begin with. Reality is scarce, you have to really dig at in, and more than likely it is still being filtered, but at least with an understanding of the situation you can attempt to filter out the nonsense and attempt to grasp the reality at hand.

1 comment:

Angela said...

James W. Carey, 1989.
