Thursday, October 9, 2008

Four Chapters due Thursday

Who Needs Elected Officials
Restructuring democracy to work more for the people is an interesting idea. Instead of electing selfish midde-adged men to think for the people, how about holding a forum based system where a topic is posed and people can give their views, then rules are made by using the outcome of the survey. This is the new web 2.0 way of thinking some people are moving towards. Instead of a group of people speaking for a whole nation how about giving the nation the microphone. Well, some people may see this as loose government, if people make a bad decision we can always have a revote.

New Gadgets Do Not New Humanity Make
The tale of two centuries. The 20th century called for framers to create a constitution that men that men would live by. Natural progress made way for individualism and for the people to have more power. It is this spirit of indiviualism and freedom for technology to thrive in a world where we have become mopre dependant on it.

Deliberative Democracy in Theory and Practice
Compeititve elections do not enhance the collective intelligence of the people. Elected officials are becoming elected by choosing sides and voicing the opinions of a small group concensus in stead of the ideas of the larger population for the greater good. Online tools are helping all voices be heard. As with this years election, everything from pop up ads to online surveys are pulling more people into the political arena and giving people the opportunity to let there voices be heard.

Government by the People
A government by the people would call for a situation where more people could actively participate in the decision making process. Bad choices by the government in place has led to consequences that severely hurt families of all statuses, companies and the nation as a whole. A government by the people could be ran loosely and could create a sense of self empowerment and actual inclusion in today's society.

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