Tuesday, December 2, 2008

today's class discussion

Today's discussion was the first class in a while where the conversation stimulated a really interactive and engaging topics. The Wall Street Journal article was especially interesting to all of us, because it directly applied to us - as college students looking towards jobs and internships maybe that was why we all had such strong reactions? I particularly responded to Corey's claim that he would prefer a more black and white world rather then a grey one in which people were cut slack. I agree with both. My personality is so that I feel incredibly guilty when I don't get things done that I know I should- and get pretty annoyed when others don't feel the same way and they are allowed to get away with it. However,I have been instances where I have had extenuating circumstances where I need to be cut slack. It's hard to live in a world with so much black and white as well as grey - there needs to be some kind of balance and accountability and responsibility.

Another comment I responded to was both Matt and Yanina's point about making money. Yanina seemed to be more focused on why are we as a society picking having copious amounts of money rather than our happiness and I understand that but reflect on our current economic crisis- it seems necessary and natural that we want to maintain our quality of life, doesn't it?


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