Thursday, December 4, 2008

Clue Train Comments

What I got from the remaining chapters of clue train is that the voice of the people is back and here to stay. It make sense because old habits are hard to break like command and control which has been the strategy since the beginning of the assembly line which turned workers into machines. The voice of the people is popular again because internet technology encourages open distributed speech. Instead of another hundred centuries of billion dollar propaganda how about the human voice get a chance to work. It's interesting, the main attractor to big business advertising is the propaganda, telling consumers how much they NEED this product. On the internet, the human voice is the primary attractor because it is honest and tried and true because it is information for consumers by consumers. This is the reason I personally like shopping around on the internet, because you can search for the product and then go to a yahoo question and answer site where anyone can converse and give you their opinion about buying the product.


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